Secret Internet Fatty - irc en phonegap stories <!-- google_ad_section_start --><div class="field field-name-field-image field-type-image field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" rel="og:image rdfs:seeAlso" resource=""><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="326" height="263" alt="" /></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p>[19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:02:33] trying to find a good video tutorial but can&#039;t find any one that is like a whole perspective, just simple demos<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:02:38] anyone know some good one?<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:07:18] a video tutorial about what?<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:08:37] <a href=""></a><br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:09:07] like a Lynda video that shows how to make an android app, not just hello world<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:09:11] but with push and everything<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:09:19] all the videos there are simple stuff<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:09:24] it is not a course so it has no value<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:10:03] Same with phonegap wiki, it has not real tutorials just simple hello world stuff and installing instructions<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:10:11] that is not what I call a tutorial for learning phonegap<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:10:12] p<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:10:27] lol<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:10:39] You can&#039;t figure that kinda stuff out yourself?<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:11:08] sure, if I want to spend the time I have not<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:11:13] that is the point of tutorials<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:11:25] not wasting time on finding out things that are already know how to do it<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:12:20] I suppose if you want you can go to one of the training courses, and pay hundreds or thouands of dollars instead of reading the docs and experimenting yourself.<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:12:27] <a href=""></a><br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:12:48] I&#039;ve always found tutorials to be a waste of time.<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:13:24] agree to disagree, a tutorial is great to get started and not only hello world<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:13:25] but, not everyone are self-learners...a lot of people just want it spoofed to them.<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:13:28] then for sure, you do the rest yourself<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:13:38] spoonfed even<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:14:02] nope, not wanting that, but giving me a boost, so simple<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:14:17] There are a lot of apps out there on Github and such...just read the code, learn how people did the features you want.<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:14:47] my friend, If I had the time this time, for sure, that is how I always do it<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:15:04] I just want a head start because time limits<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:15:16] so I agree on your points, but still I need that<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:17:08] Shrug. I&#039;m sorry your anxiety disorder gets in the way of your learning process. Anything worth doing well is worth spending the time to learn it.<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:17:52] lol, you have a bad day or just bipolar in a bad mood? get real man<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:18:11] I&#039;ve steered clear of calling you lazy, I guess I won&#039;t.<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:18:38] This stuff is easy, figure it out.<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:18:59] I&#039;ve steered clear of reading your negative attitude, why not do something else than to vomit in here?<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:19:22] Do you have a specific question that illustrates even a passing attempt at trying to do something?<br /> [19:22] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; [19:19:33] sure, can&#039;t you read?<br /> [19:22] &lt;YuviPanda&gt; [19:20:12] <a href=""></a><br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:20:26] YuviPanda: :)<br /> [19:22] &lt;YuviPanda&gt; [19:20:35] Kicstart421: :D<br /> [19:22] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; [19:21:50] Watch the video: <a href=""></a><br /> [19:22] &lt;***&gt; Playback Complete.<br /> [19:22] * brion (~<a href="mailto:brion@wikipedia">brion@wikipedia</a>/pdpc.professional.brion) has joined #phonegap<br /> [19:23] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; man, you really need to get laid, lol<br /> [19:24] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: Maybe if you had less time to get laid you might spend the time learning how to use Phonegap.<br /> [19:24] * ROBERTAS has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)<br /> [19:25] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; sure, at least I get calm and not negative getting laid, you might want to try it out, so next time someone asks you something you are not such a smart ass, lol<br /> [19:25] &lt;rohdef&gt; oO I look to see what&#039;s happening and end up reading something about getting laid? I just think I&#039;ll go back to my code, since I don&#039;t want any details :p<br /> [19:26] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; rohdef: lol<br /> [19:26] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; rohdef: Its just a n00b who wants someone to enlighten him about Phonegap without RTFM.<br /> [19:27] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; rohdef: His e-peen makes him think he&#039;s gotten laid.<br /> [19:27] &lt;rohdef&gt; Kicstart421, you&#039;ve just illustrated why I don&#039;t want details :p<br /> [19:27] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; lol, man you have serious issues, tell me about your bad day<br /> [19:27] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; whawhawha<br /> [19:29] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: Lose the emo bro, you can either code or you can&#039;t. I don&#039;t care about you, or your perceived personal life or feelings.<br /> [19:29] * shanebo (~<a href=""></a>) has joined #phonegap<br /> [19:29] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: If you can&#039;t do it yourself, or are too lazy you should consider hiring someone who can. Check odesk or something.<br /> [19:30] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; i don&#039;t know if I can code<br /> [19:30] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; i pretend I do<br /> [19:30] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; and things happen<br /> [19:30] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; and tend to work<br /> [19:30] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; Kicstart421: Lose the smart ass attitude, and answer what people ask for, try it out, you might get some friends<br /> [19:30] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; AricwithanA: That&#039;s a great approach, especially if billable.<br /> [19:30] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; nope<br /> [19:30] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; not really<br /> [19:31] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; my first pro app is probono<br /> [19:31] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; my homeapp project is opensource<br /> [19:31] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: Again, I don&#039;t care about the emo...or friends. These may be of value to you, but not to me.<br /> [19:31] * Sickness\ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)<br /> [19:32] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; AricwithanA: very cool, you are charitable.<br /> [19:32] * mattgifford has quit (Remote host closed the connection)<br /> [19:32] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; Kicstart421: Again, why you keep on being a smart ass, why not just stop hating<br /> [19:33] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: umadbro?<br /> [19:33] &lt;rohdef&gt; eduardoinsweden, Kicstart421, please stop flaming each other :)<br /> [19:33] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; rohdef: Sure, just tell the frustrated emo to stop trolling around :)<br /> [19:34] &lt;rohdef&gt; eduardoinsweden, you&#039;re still calling him names that&#039;s not stopping to flame<br /> [19:34] * mattgiff_ (~mattgiffo@ has joined #phonegap<br /> [19:34] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: its been a half hour, and you&#039;ve done nothing to help your cause in that time. Fail.<br /> [19:34] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; naw Kicstart421, just trying to break the cycle of Darwinian Competition.<br /> [19:34] &lt;Kicstart421&gt; eduardoinsweden: but wait, you&#039;re in a real hurry to learn without actually learning.<br /> [19:35] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; rohdef: You should read the log and see who said name to who in the first place<br /> [19:35] &lt;AricwithanA&gt; if you guys continue to fight I&quot;m going to conscript you both and force you to write a couple very, very, very small plugins for phoengap for android.<br /> [19:35] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; Kicstart421: its been half hour and still you have not made any contribute to the channel, except trolling<br /> [19:35] &lt;rohdef&gt; eduardoinsweden, I don&#039;t care to be quite frank. What I care about is you two stopping. Then who&#039;s first doesn&#039;t matter at all<br /> [19:35] * ppcano has quit (Quit: ppcano)<br /> [19:36] &lt;eduardoinsweden&gt; ok, anyways thanks to the people that really helps out here and not being smart asses</p> </div></div></div><!-- google_ad_section_end --><div class="field field-name-field-tags field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above clearfix"><h3 class="field-label">Tags: </h3><ul class="links"><li class="taxonomy-term-reference-0" rel="dc:subject"><a href="/phonegap-0" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel">phonegap</a></li><li class="taxonomy-term-reference-1" rel="dc:subject"><a href="/irc" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel">irc</a></li><li class="taxonomy-term-reference-2" rel="dc:subject"><a href="/geek-communication" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel">geek communication</a></li><li class="taxonomy-term-reference-3" rel="dc:subject"><a href="/video-tutorial" typeof="skos:Concept" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel">video tutorial</a></li></ul></div><div class='shareaholic-default-6784'></div> Wed, 13 Jun 2012 10:24:38 +0000 franck 6 at